Home Remodeling for the Holidays: The Gift that Keeps on Giving!

Lansing Home Remodel - K Fedewa Builders

The holidays can be a stressful time of year for many reasons, one of which is ensuring that you choose the right gift for those closest to you. What if you could give your loved one a gift that keeps on giving the entire year and beyond?   Gifting a home remodel to your spouse,…

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Top Ideas for Finishing Your Basement

Lansing Finished Basement by K Fedewa Builders

Most everyone is familiar with the terms of finished or unfinished basement.  Traditional new construction typically includes a full basement, but unfinished which would include cold hard concrete floors and unfinished walls.  This is still a great space for your major utilities like your furnace, water heater, and sump pump, but there is so much…

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